Josh Lanier
Josh Lanier is a native and current resident of Bulloch County, GA. He is happily married with three daughters that keep him busy. Growing up on a family farm gave him an early appreciation for the outdoors and agriculture. An avid outdoorsman, Josh enjoys fishing as well as hunting ducks, deer and quail. Josh attended Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College in Tifton and received a BAS in Diversified Ag. Throughout college Josh worked for the University of Georgia, working for both agronomists and pathologists in cotton, peanuts and vegetables. This time gave him an even deeper appreciation for the agricultural profession. After college, Josh was employed by UGA as a research technician in cotton agronomy, before moving into a role as a County Extension agent for UGA. In addition, Josh spent several years as a loan officer with AgSouth Farm Credit in Statesboro, GA. Currently, he works across South Georgia in fertilizer sales as an agronomic consultant for Timac Agro USA. His collection of experience in both production agriculture, as well as agriculture finance, can give him an advantage in assisting you in both buying and selling farm land and rural property.